There are 0 repository under social-distance-monitoring topic.
Social Distancing Detector using deep learning and capable to run on edge AI devices such as NVIDIA Jetson, Google Coral, and more.
Classifying people as high risk and low risk based on their distance to other people.
I developed a computer vision project that measures the distance between people to check whether a specific distance exists between them or not.
Tata Innoverse SolverHunt 8 Submission. Built a realtime face mask detection and social distancing detector.
Computer Vision and AI to detect if people are at a specific distance and adhere to social distancing or not.
The app that helps you with social distancing using Bluetooth-Low-Energy and Vue.js-cordova combination
Used Yolact++ to implement social distance monitoring.
Using 3D Cameras to Monitor Social Distancing
A computer vision 📹 based object detection application that helps to monitor and detect social distancing in public places
Deeplearning based Social Distancing Detection using camera
In response to social distancing measures during COVID-19 pandemic, it has been imposed to limit the number of people in almost every location and educational institutions are not exempted to it. Hence the idea of counting the actual number of people inside the building became a requirement.
A dashboard for monitoring 1 meter social distancing for outdoor areas using computer vision
Computer vision has opened up a lot of opportunities to explore into AI domain that were earlier highly limited. Here is an application of haarcascade classifier and OpenCV to develop a social distancing violation detector. I am passing the algo through a video feed where it first detects people using 'haarcascade_fullbody.xml' classifier algo. OpenCV and some mathematical operations then allow us to make code the social distancing violation logic
Made a social distance monitoring system and a Spit Detection system in python.
Tracking crowd social distancing with computer vision managed through a securely-stored blockchain system.
The Space App is an Android application which helps people pratice social-distancing in the COVID-19 outbreak.The app uses the Google Maps API to determin distance between two users and Google Firebase to read and write data their distance, latitude, longitude, and status from cloud. With the help of multi-threadin the app refresh itself automatically every minute. This app helps user keep an eye on the head count within user's 1.5m radius.
Real-time Social Distancing Monitoring using MATLAB
Dataset about paper <<A. Mingozzi, A. Conti, F. Aleotti, M. Poggi, S. Mattoccia, “Monitoring social distancing with single image depth estimation”, accepted on IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence (TETCI), 2022>>
Covid-19 Social Distancing Reminder
Arduino-powered social distancing alert assistant to signal with a variety of alarms depending on the user’s proximity to others.
automated social distancing monitoring system
Abstract: The paper presents a methodology for social distancing detection using deep learning to evaluate the distance between people to mitigate the impact of this coronavirus pandemic.
This is an application to monitoring social distance in Python programming language. In practice, we measured the distance between people in the test video and detected those who do not comply with social distance.
We aim to provide an efficient and streamline way to solve the risky situation pertaining to social distancing in view of the pandemic
An all-in-one platform that allows in-depth monitoring of factories ensuring that workers keep a certain distance between each other while wearing covid-preventive gear (medical masks). The platform's capabilities can be extended to other types of alerts by integrating new models and devices.
Using Python to monitor social distancing.
COVID Norms Monitoring - Mask and Social Distancing
Python program to detect social distance violations with simple opencv libraries(HOG)
Design and realization of an embedded device used for social distancing, with the further development of a smartphone application using Flutter toolkit.
Main objective of this project is to monitor and check if person are maintaining social distancing
Healthcare system with improved efficiency, safety, and reduced cost can be achieved by implementing smart IoT healthcare system which is user friendly and easy to use. The system provides multiple features such as temperature measurement, pulse measurement, BMI calculation, medicine reminder and social distancing alert using different sensors.
A Flask App to detect number of people in a classroom to ensure social distancing guidelines are complied with.
Social Distancing Monitor implemented using MobileNet SSD_v2.
Counting people in a line using computer vision