There are 1 repository under shotgun topic.
Highly parallelised multi-taxonomic profiling of shotgun short- and long-read metagenomic data
:moyai: Shotgun Toolkit Engine for Allegorithmic Substance Painter
Computational Analysis of Novel Drug Opportunities
Grinder is a versatile open-source bioinformatic tool to create simulated omic shotgun and amplicon sequence libraries for all main sequencing platforms.
Common task utilities for client-side visual effects inclusive of version control
:movie_camera: Shotgun Toolkit Engine for Natron.
After Effects background renderer and version manager
:bulb: Shotgun Toolkit Engine for Clarisse iFX
convert schema of Shotgun projet to graphviz
a ruby CLI and web server tool for download youtube shorts/video.
A Shotgun Toolkit app to create flipbook of your current scene with use of SGTK templates.
A gem to interact with the Flow Production Tracking REST api
LipidHunter is capable to perform bottom up identification of lipids from LC-MS/MS and shotgun lipidomics data by resembling a workflow of manual spectra annotation. LipidHunter generates interactive HTML output with its unique six-panel-image, which provides an easy way to review, store, and share the identification results.
The Shotgun application that displays a list of shotgun entities and corresponding attributes
The official Netherlands Film Academy Shotgun Toolkit configuration repository.
ShotGrid RenderMan node
A ShotGrid app for rendering with the Karma render engine. With built-in deadline submission and several quality-of-life improvements.
A Shotgun Toolkit app to render in Houdini with the Arnold render engine and Deadline.
A Shotgun Toolkit app to use the general file cache node with Shotgun integration.
Flatiron Full Stack Web Development Curriculum & Labs - Sinatra
Rangedweapons But Better when downloading rename folder to rangedweapons
Takes High Res screenshot and sends it to Shotgrid RV.
ShotGrid app to convert Nuke files generated by Hiero to Nuke files according to template file.
object-oriented wrapper around the shotun api3 Python API
Flask showing asset of shotgun in a html page with filter
:woman_dancing: Shotgun Toolkit Engine for Rumba Animation:
CLI Linux app for making and saving screenshot with hacksaw, shotgun and xclip.
App to get latest publish from shot and move it to the deliveries folder
Shotgun Toolkit publishing app.
A Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit App to make quicktimes with slates