There are 0 repository under quickhull topic.
Computational Geometry Unity library with implementations of intersection algorithms, triangulations like delaunay, voronoi diagrams, polygon clipping, bezier curves, ear clipping, convex hulls, mesh simplification, etc
Header only 3d quickhull in c99
A JS library to find the convex hull of a finite set of 3d points
A header-only C implementation of the Quickhull algorithm for building N-dimensional Convex Hulls and Delaunay meshes
3D convex hull (quickhull) algorithm in Go
Fast C++ multi-threaded algorithm for computing convex hulls
Quickhull Algorithm implemented in Python
A simple convex hull algorithm visualization.
1st/2 Assignment of the "Computational Geometry" course (Spring Semester 2023 - NKUA). Python implementations of the following algorithms to compute the convex hull of N-points: Incremental (Graham's Scan) (2D and 3D), Quickhull (2D and 3D), Divide and Conquer (2D), Gift Wrapping (2D)
Animating the computation of convex hulls in two dimensions.
Some basic algorithms for Procedural Geometry
Math-Info project carried out in 2020, as part of my studies in the engineering preparatory cycle.
Collection of Course Assignments