There are 0 repository under phase-transition topic.
Official repository of "Spontaneous symmetry breaking in generative diffusion models"
A program implementing Metropolis Monte Carlo for the 2D square-lattice Ising model and the spin block renormalization
PyGL: statistical field theory in Python.
lindemann is a python package to calculate the Lindemann index of a lammps trajectory
Unsupervised learning for discovering phase transition for various spin models.
Monte Carlo simulation of 2D Ising Model. Final project of the LoCP-A course during 2020/2021 at Unipd
Machine Learning Phase Transitions
Which dynamical regime is beneficial for biological systems in the context of the criticality hypothesis? Agent-based evolutionary foraging game with experiments to evaluate generalizability, ability to perform complex tasks and evolvability of agents with respect to their dynamical regime. Paper:
various codes related to compressed sensing that have been used in my publications
Rapid detection of phase transitions from Monte Carlo samples before equilibrium
💻 Phase Transition for Random Graphs (A-FIB)
Binary 2D alloy phase transition simulation with Monte Carlo method and Ising model
Kinetic Monte Carlo of phase transitions coupled with heat transfer
Probing hidden spin order with interpretable machine learning (mirrored from GitLab)
Implementation of the one dimensional Contact Process (SIS model) and two dimensional SIR model in order to find critical exponents of Percolation
Probabilistic PCA for missing data: learning curves shows a phase transition and missing rate acts as an effective reduction in the signal-to-noise ratio, not the sample size.
Paper: Which dynamical regime is beneficial for biological systems? Agent-based evolutionary foraging game with experiments to evaluate generalizability, ability to perform complex tasks and evolvability.
FiniteSizeScaling.jl: A Julia data analysis package for finding optimized values of phase transition parameters and critical exponents.
Another phase transition in the Axelrod model
Python scripts to analyze and visualize the data presented in the research article: "The maximum solubility product marks the threshold for condensation of multivalent biomolecules".
Multi-condensate state as a functional strategy to optimize the cell signaling output
Code for getting stable/equilibrium configuration of interacting Wigner Molecules starting from random initial configuration. This code will calculate the positional and orientational correlation between the interacting particles, along with Lindemann ratio and nearest neighbors to estimate the different topological defects like dislocation and disclination.
code about ising model. Square lattice is for my bachelors degree, honeycomb lattice is for fun and interest
This repository contains datasets and codes to solve superconductivity problem in a two-dimensional moat-shaped Rashba spin-orbit spectrum.
This project from the series of "Statistical and Computational Methods in Physics" is a Monte-Carlo simulation for a two-dimensional Ising model.
Physics Masters Project modelling the phase behaviour of DNA nanoparticles using LAMMPS
Various studies show that criticality is an attractor in biological evolution. Which conditions have to be fulfilled, such that criticality acts as an attractor in our neuroevolution simulation? -- Masters Thesis Project ---
Neural density functional theory of liquid-gas phase coexistence
Using the Ising Model and a Monte-Carlo Markov Chain Approach to Illustrate Magnetic Phase Transition
Wang Landau Algorithm to compute Density of States of Lattice models
Ising model simulation to compare various intrinsic utility measures.