There are 6 repositories under ncov-2019 topic.
"Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play." This is a repository that archives the individual stories during the COVID19 pandemic. 备份普通人在疫情期间的记录。(持续翻译 & 更新中)
🦠 Interactive dashboard for real-time recording of COVID-19 outbreak in Japan
🦠 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Tracker
📈 Coronavirus (COVID-19) dashboard to show the dynamics of Сoronavirus distribution per country
Informationssammlung zum Thema CoVid-19
COVID-19 infectious forecasting using SEIR model and R0 estimation
2019 nCoV realtime track system based Scrapy + influxdb + grafana + NLTK + Stanford CoreNLP
go-corona is a Golang client library for accessing global coronavirus (COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2) outbreak data.
新型冠状病毒实时疫情 Vue-Compostion-Api版本 (Vue3 + TypeScript)
:page_facing_up: List of coronavirus applications built in response to the COVID-19 virus from Dec 2019
COVID-19 Pandemic Data R Package
Wolfram Language code and notebooks related to the coronavirus outbreak
COVID-19 World update with data Visualization (Include Indonesia cases)
COVID-19 Coronavirus Data Tracker
Analysis of Coronavirus outbreak data with Pharo
Datasource covid 19 di Indonesia dalam bentuk CSV dengan tingkat kabupaten / kota
C/C++ implementation of ARTIC bioinformatics platform for nanopore sequencing of nCoV2019 novel coronavirus
Keeping track of the nCOv cases in the City of Pune, Maharashtra, India :smile:
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dashboard & Map App with Vue and Leaflet
Covid-19 Tracker
Nextflow pipeline to process SARS-CoV-2 genomes by Nanopore Sequencing using ARTIC ( tools
Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases Data/Visuals provided by IBB Univerisity, Lapai, Nigeria
Real-time covid19 notifications on your Desktop with Python3 :rocket:
A comprehensive analysis on the spread of the corona virus worldwide. The statistical analysis shows the spread using interactive charts and figures. The geographical analysis shows the spread of the virus on the geographical map of the majorly affected countries and highlighting the places with highest incidence rate.
COVID-19 Variants Repository
Ongoing collection of Tweet-IDs associated with novel coronavirus COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) that were collected with the NASTY Twitter crawler.
Tracking the growth of COVID-19 in India, spread by novel Coronavirus
Presentation titled "A Real-time Geo-social Media Database for Large-scale Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Research" for my second research seminar at Ryerson University
An AI and Deep Learning based solution to help diagnose the presence of Covid-19 infection by analyzing the chest X-Ray images.
Coronavirus Spread Prediction