There are 1 repository under pune topic.
Common repo and documentation space for DataMeet Pune chapter
This is a repo to maintain artefacts and meetup logistics for Kubernetes & Cloud Native Computing Pune Meetup (
Official app of event GDG Pune DevFest19
My Awesome Profile
This is an unofficial Pune Metro Android application 📱 built with Modern Android development tools - (Kotlin, Coroutines, Architecture Components, MVVM, Room, Retrofit, Gson, Material Components).
Keeping track of the nCOv cases in the City of Pune, Maharashtra, India :smile:
Website for TEDxPVGCOET, an independently organized TED event.
Hardworking and enthusiastic final year second semester masters student working towards a degree in Data Science,Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence from Symbiosis International(Deemed University),Pune,India.
This app aims to provide information on the rivers of Pune area and their ecology.
Just like a Kaleidoscope when you see through it you see mesmerizing & colorful patterns. That's the concept behind this repo when you go through it you will find different kinds of Facebook spark AR projects crafted by our community members. Share your filters/AR Projects links with screenshots.
The internship will provide you with an opportunity to gain practical experience and exposure in your desired field. You will be working on various projects and tasks, learning new skills, and developing your professional abilities.
Repo for an internship project by students of Symbiosys Institute of Geoinformatics under Datameet Pune
A Covid-19 Tracker specialising in tracking very granular level data for the city of Pune
The stupidest Javascript playground ever made :laughing:
Convert your CGPA / SGPA pointer into Percentage.
Weekend Corporate batch for Angular, Angular Training In Pune
Corporate batch for angular2
Campuskeeda is a dedicated site for the Engineering students of Mumbai University (MU) and Pune University (PU).
My resume