cs-dept-ibbul / covid19nigeria

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases Data/Visuals provided by IBB Univerisity, Lapai, Nigeria

Home Page:https://cs.ibbu.edu.ng/covid19project

Repository from Github https://github.comcs-dept-ibbul/covid19nigeriaRepository from Github https://github.comcs-dept-ibbul/covid19nigeria

The 2019 Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) Data Repository for Nigeria is made possible through our dedicated team of volunteers across the country.

The data and repository for the 2019 Novel Coronavirus is maintained by the Department of Mathematics/Computer Science, IBB University, Lapai. This is also supported by the Lapai Disease and Surveillance Research Group (LaDiG) of IBB University, Lapai, Nigeria

Use Cases of the Data:

Visual Graph/Chart https://covid19project.org.ng

Interactive Visual Map https://covid19project.org.ng/map/


For API and Endpoints information of this data, visit


Data Sources:

Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) (https://ncdc.gov.ng)

Africa COVID-19 Project (https://github.com/abdullahikawu/covid19africa)


List of Volunteers / Contributors

More Enquiries

For additional Information about the Project and Visual Dashboard: https://cs.ibbu.edu.ng/covid19project/

Project Contacts:

Contact Us:

Email: covid19projectng@gmail.com or abdullahikawu@ibbu.edu.ng

To Cite this dataset:

Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) Data Repository for Nigeria. Abdullahi Abubakar Kawu, Abdusalam Abubakar, Said Abdulsalam. Nigeria COVID-19 Data. Available on: https://github.com/cs-dept-ibbul/covid19niigeria.

Terms of Use:

This GitHub repo and its contents herein, including all data, mapping, and analysis, copyright 2020 IBB University, all rights reserved, is provided to the public strictly for educational and academic research purposes. The Website relies upon publicly available data from multiple sources, that do not always agree. IBB University hereby disclaims any and all representations and warranties with respect to the Website, including accuracy, fitness for use, and merchantability. Reliance on the Website for medical guidance or use of the Website in commerce is strictly prohibited.


Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases Data/Visuals provided by IBB Univerisity, Lapai, Nigeria
