There are 2 repositories under induction topic.
Python code snippets from Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science specialization at Coursera
Graph Sampling is a python package containing various approaches which samples the original graph according to different sample sizes.
Solutions to In-Class questions, Problem Sets and Exams of MIT Mathematics for Computer Science 2015 (same as 2019 Open Learning Library)
An automatic theorem prover in OCaml for typed higher-order logic with equality and datatypes, based on superposition+rewriting; and Logtk, a supporting library for manipulating terms, formulas, clauses, etc.
🕸️ Graphs, finite fields and discrete dynamical systems in Kotlin
High power induction heating platform
Basics of face detection, share detailed steps and complete code in the learning process.
Open Inverter - Alternative Web Interface
Artificial Intelligence Course - Summaries, Exams, Minitests and Comic Sans
MIRROR of Python API and GUI to invert frequency domain electromagnetic data
Simple two-dimensional geophysical inversion for permafrost and ground ice detection using electromagnetic methods.
Nuclear Physics is a mod that brings in realistic, world-based technological advancement experience into Minecraft.
ATtiny13 based PI (Pulse Induction) Metal Detector
A single-page, peer-to-peer, synchronous client for playing Zendo online (
A VLF induction balance metal detector with a wooden body
Standard library for [Imandra](
Induction 2021
Induction to monitoring
Distributed Decision Tree Induction using MPI
Induction to anonymization of data
Python source code derived from books about Machine Learning (ML)
This unit introduces formal languages, models of computation, and computational complexity. Topics include finite state automata, regular expressions, grammars, pushdown automata, computable functions, Turing machines, polynomial-time reductions, complexity classes P and NP, and NP-completeness.
(Migrated from CodePlex) View-plug-ins Programming on database is an interface-oriented to simplify the design of complex batches processing. Useful for ETL, reporting and DWH solutions.
Implementation of Kalmus’ guidance method for robot navigation
Writes algorithms with multiple predicates
List of Philosophy Algorithms
Seismometer documentation, code, and Flutter app
Code and slides for my talk presented at the seminar.