There are 4 repositories under headphones topic.
AtoMiC Toolkit simplifies HTPC / Home Server setup and management on Ubuntu and Debian variants including Raspbian. It currently supports: Couchpotato, Deluged, Emby, FFmpeg, Headphones, Htpcmanager, Jackett, Kodi, Lazylibrarian, Madsonic, Mono, Mylar, Nzbget, Nzbhydra, NzbToMedia, Ombi, Plex, Plexpy, Pyload, qBittorrent, Radarr, Sabnzbd+, Sickgear, Sickrage, Sonarr, Subsonic, Transmission, Unrar, Watcher, and Webmin.
A python script to get battery level from Bluetooth headsets
Docker-powered usenet pipeline
An impulse response dataset for binaural synthesis of spatial audio systems on headphones
Free (and open source) buddy app for bluetooth headphones 🎧
A dataset of filters for headphone correction and binaural synthesis of spatial audio systems on headphones
A Mac interface for Zik Headphones
This is the repo for the legacy SplitCloud for iOS app built with ReactNative and a fork of StreamingKit project.
Guide and documentation of 3D printable open headphones
Breakaway for Mac (fork) - Automatically disable speakers when headphones are removed, with support for Mavericks 10.9, Yosemite 10.10 and El Capitan 10.11
Easy install script for Plex, Sonarr, Radarr, Deluge and Jackett
Auto Install for Ubuntu Server Iso with Auto installing Scripts with Programs Scripts Installs/Reinstall with Configs and Systemd service file
A list of awesome computer Hardware, Accessories and Peripherals. ⌨️ 🖱️ :headphones: :computer:
Conveniently create CamillaDSP configurations for headphone listening with AutoEq correction data and options for Crossfeed etc.
MacOS notification tray App that blocks audio devices to be automatically switched to
🖥 Desk Setups for Programmers
Detect when a headphone (jack or bluetooth) is (dis)connected.
GNOME Shell extension that provides control of Soundcore Life Q30 Headphones (and others)
The SmartStand: a headphone stand w/ built-in USB DAC/amplifier that can switch between outputs automatically.
Thoradia Build System
🎧 Control Sony headphones from cli
BluPhone is a lightweight client for Linux, MacOS, and Windows that gives you live statistics and information from connected BlueTooth Headphones.
A budget focussed DIY valve/tube headphone amplifier that is so simple it can be easily wired without a PCB. This repository contains circuit schematics/diagrams for a variety of compatible valves/tubes.
Launch agent that resets volume to a lower value whenever a headphone/earphone is connected to your Mac.
Just simple project to show how to connect audio I/O with USB bus as USB Audio Class device.
Headphone Amplifier project featuring the NE5532 OP-Amp and a powerful Class AB output stage
Product landing Page Made with Pure Css,Html
Raspeberry Pi with OSMC and SSH and Samba and Transmissio and RPiMonitor and sickchill and CouchPotato and Jacket and headphones)