There are 37 repositories under traefik topic.
Full stack, modern web application template. Using FastAPI, React, SQLModel, PostgreSQL, Docker, GitHub Actions, automatic HTTPS and more.
Docker media and home server stack with Docker Compose, Traefik, Swarm Mode, Google OAuth2/Authelia, and LetsEncrypt
Minimal forward authentication service that provides Google/OpenID oauth based login and authentication for the traefik reverse proxy
Setting up a distributed Kubernetes cluster along with Istio service mesh locally with Vagrant and VirtualBox, only PoC or Demo use.
Docker Swarm instrumentation with Prometheus, Grafana, cAdvisor, Node Exporter and Alert Manager
Start your containers on demand, shut them down automatically when there's no activity. Docker, Docker Swarm Mode and Kubernetes compatible.
Simple Docker Compose NAS featuring Sonarr, Radarr, Prowlarr, Jellyfin, qBittorrent, PIA VPN and Traefik with SSL support
Exoframe is a self-hosted tool that allows simple one-command deployments using Docker
Docker Swarm mode rocks! Ideas, tools and recipes. Get a production-ready, distributed, HTTPS served, cluster in minutes, not weeks.
Collection of selfhosted apps with docker only ! Traefik, Bitwarden, Wireguard with Pihole, Synapse with Elements, etc.
Golang Microservices Example
Deploy 120+ open-source web apps with one Docker command
🚧 Pretty server's error pages in the docker image & git repository (for traefik, k8s, nginx and so on)
🐳 Build once, run anywhere
Full stack boilerplate with Next.js, Prisma, Tailwind, TypeScript, Docker, Postgres, documentation, frontend and backend unit and integration tests with Jest, Cypress end-to-end tests, Github Actions CI/CD workflows, and production deployment with Traefik and Docker.
Docker Compose Dateien für Homelabs
GoAccess Docker Image for Nginx Proxy Manager and more...
rTorrent and ruTorrent Docker image
Full stack, modern web application generator. Using Flask, PostgreSQL DB, Docker, Swagger, automatic HTTPS and more.
Docker Compose with Traefik and lots of services
Advanced Kubernetes YAML configs - Best Practices, Tips & Tricks, Production-Ready Checklist - experience from several production environments. AWS, GCP, Azure, ArgoCD, GKE, EKS, AKS, Nginx, Traefik, Kong, Cert Manager, CI/CD, Jenkins, Artifactory, TeamCity, GitHub Actions, Cloud SQL, FluxCD, Spinnaker, Selenium Grid, Moon, Helm + Kustomize
Full stack, modern web application generator. Using FastAPI, Couchbase as database, Docker, automatic HTTPS and more.
Automatically Create CNAME records for containers served by Traefik
Run your own PaaS using Docker, Traefik, and great analytics