There are 1 repository under loudness topic.
Presets for EasyEffects and PulseEffects.
A simple, but powerful ReplayGain 2.0 tagging utility
volumio's plugins from balbuze
📍Audio loudness metering in the browser
A loudness compensation plugin for ALSA
:blue_book: :floppy_disk: The New Yorken Poesry Magazine is a cultured poetry journal by AI, for AI :minidisc: :green_book:
Command line helper for performing linear audio loudness normalization using ffmpeg's loudnorm audio filter.
Call in to record & dynamically generate a JSON audio feed for Alexa Flash Briefings
Toggle Loudness Equalization on Windows every time you open the software!
An EBU R128 loudness meter display for Behringer X32 audio mixing console (and similar USB audio devices)
This is a program to shutdown your computer remotely from any device
The easiest way to get and control your system's volume is finally here
该程序使用 Python 的 `PyAudio` 和 `Matplotlib` 库实现了一个实时音频示波器,并能够实时显示音频的频率和响度。程序会从麦克风采集音频数据,进行 FFT 变换来计算音频的频率,同时显示音频信号的波形和响度。
Look, all those brutiful thumbnails...!
A userscript that amplifies any youtube video with loudness lower than 0dB
Live Loudness Calculation based on ITU-R BS.1770-5
NoisePower - это инструмент для ухудшения звука микрофона
A JavaScript guide to extracting loudness, content, and music sections from video with the Analyze Media API and how SOCAN hackathon participants used Analyze Media API data to help automate the Cue Sheet creation process.
Sample implementation of a Java wrapper around Sound Exchange to reduce noise and gain decibels
A closer look at dynamic compression over the past 50 years
Chops large wav files into chunks based on loudness level drops (silence gets cut out). Performs good on large files. Might be useful for chopping band rehearsal into songs or interviews into chunks.
Study Assistant - Internet of Things Environmental Recommender System
Do extraverts have lower voice pitches, read louder and faster? Project in "Statistics in Connected Healthcare" 2022 @HPI
Tool to generate your perceived loudness equalisation contour for a range of frequencies.
A userscript that amplifies any youtube video with loudness lower than 0dB
FFmpeg ebur128 필터를 이용한 영상 및 음원의 음량(LUFS) 데이터 추출 어플리케이션.
Measure integrated loudness in LUFS and RMS standards
Sony PlayStation Studios' Audio Standards Working Group - Average Loudness and Peak Levels of Audio Content on Sony Interactive Entertainment Platforms