modhd / actual_NEPAL_pepper_AF

A decision analysis whether smallholder farmes in Nepal should intercrop their rubber monocultures with black pepper. A contribution of the online-team to the module "Desicion Analysis and Forecasting for Agricultural Development" at University Bonn.

Repository from Github https://github.commodhd/actual_NEPAL_pepper_AFRepository from Github https://github.commodhd/actual_NEPAL_pepper_AF

"Improving smallholder farmer's income through intercropping rubber and black pepper: A case study of Jhapa, Nepal"

A decision analysis whether smallholder farmes in Nepal should intercrop their rubber monocultures with black pepper. A contribution of the online-team to the module "Desicion Analysis and Forecasting for Agricultural Development" at University Bonn. The full report of this work can be accessed on our simple html file (

The according conceptual model.


The file agroforestry_project.Rmd is a submission report that includes a thematic introduction, the methodology used in the analysis, as well as results and a brief discussion. It can be knitted into a html file by default.

In the folder data, the input table input_table.csvis stored.

We set the r-project NEPAL_pepper_AF.rproj as working directory.

In the folder results, an image of the conceptual model conceptual_model.jpg as well as results from the Monte Carlo simulation mc_simulation_results.csv and EVPI calculation 2_evpi_results.csvare stored.

The file issues_to_tackle.Rmd contains ideas and adjustments we would tackle in further steps after submission.


CIFOR-ICRAF. 2022. “Rubber Set to Revitalize Nepal’s Degraded and Underutilized Lands to Boost Climate and Livelihoods’ Goals.” CIFOR-ICRAF.

FAO. 2023. : “Pepper - Crop Information.” Land & Water - Databases and Software.

Fox, Jefferson, and Jean-Christophe Castella. 2013. “Expansion of Rubber (Hevea Brasiliensis) in Mainland Southeast Asia: What Are the Prospects for Smallholders?” The Journal of Peasant Studies 40 (1): 155–70.

Luedeling, Eike, Lutz Goehring, Katja Schiffers, Cory Whitney, and Eduardo Fernandez. 2022. "decisionSupport: Quantitative Support of Decision Making Under Uncertainty.""

Oliosi, Gleison, Marcos Góes Oliveira, and Fabio Luiz Partelli. 2021. “Microclimate and Development of Black Pepper Intercropped with Rubber Tree.” Agroforestry Systems 95 (8): 1635–45.

Pandey, S. R., S. M. Dhungana, and G. P. Sharma. 2020. “Economics of Production and Marketing of Natural Rubber (Hevea Brasiliensis) in Jhapa, Nepal.” Archives of Agriculture and Environmental Science 5 (1): 25–32.

Rahman, Syed Ajijur, Muhammad Hasan Imam, Denyse J. Snelder, and Terry Sunderland. 2012. “Agroforestry for Livelihood Security in Agrarian Landscapes of the Padma Floodplain in Bangladesh.” Small-Scale Forestry 11 (4): 529–38.

World Bank. 2021. “World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal.”


A decision analysis whether smallholder farmes in Nepal should intercrop their rubber monocultures with black pepper. A contribution of the online-team to the module "Desicion Analysis and Forecasting for Agricultural Development" at University Bonn.

License:MIT License


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