There are 13 repositories under comsol topic.
Code for paper "Self-Directed Online Machine Learning for Topology Optimization"
Computing the Bandgap of a 2D Photonic Crystal by COMSOL-MATLAB Scripting
MATLAB Toolbox for Handling 2D and 3D FEM Meshes
Fiber Bragg grating (FBG) simulation tool for Finite Element Method (FEM) models. Features inclusion of temperature dependency and emulation within the program. The user can supply a data file and generate simulated reflection spectrums of an array of FBG sensors in response to stress, strain, and temperature.
UMAT4COMSOL: An Abaqus user material (UMAT) subroutine wrapper for COMSOL
MoS2 FET Simulation using COMSOL Multiphysics
Various .m files of code in MATLAB® for automating COMSOL Multiphysics®
Application developed using the Application Builder of COMSOL Multiphysics® v5.6 to calculate and evaluate the natural frequencies of rooms modeled in 3D.
Parametric NEM/MEM relay design with layout generation (KLayout: GDSII), FEM (Ansys/COMSOL), SPICE models, Liberty models, & more
Probability-density-based deep learning paradigm for the fuzzy design of functional metastructures. Research AAAS & NeurIPS ML4PS.
Comprehensive numerical modeling of filamentary RRAM devices including voltage ramp-rate and cycle-to-cycle variations
AMORe-CMS (Automatic Model Order Reduction using Component Mode Syntesis) is MATLAB software that automatically performs physics-based model order reduction using component mode synthesis (CMS) on structural FE models made in COMSOL Multiphysics.
A parallel multi-scale FE2 code based on COMSOL Multi-physics and MATLAB
Script for generate a 2D geometry based on a Voronoi diagram in COMSOL with Livelink for MATLAB
An interface connecting COMSOL Multiphysics and PEST to solve inverse modelling problems using forward finite element models (paper here:
Elastic bloch wave propagation in a 2D periodic metamaterial. Simulations have done with COMSOL Multiphysics (5.6.0) applying Floquet periodic boundary conditions.
Abaqus/Ansys/Comsol input files for sandwich composite simulation
Supplemental material for Capek, Lundgren, Gustafsson, Schab, and Jelinek, "Characteristic Mode Decomposition Using the Scattering Dyadic in Arbitrary Full-Wave Solvers," IEEE AWPL, 2022.
Supplemental material for M. Gustafsson, L. Jelinek, K. Schab, M. Capek, "Unified Theory of Characteristic Modes" Parts I and II. See the reference section of the readme for links to both papers.
Generate 2D Li-ion microstructure, galvanostatic discharge of battery, and saving of FEM data. Accompanying work for publication in Applied Energy.
Project for Safran Heat Exchanger Project used for COMSOL with MATLAB
Simulated and analyzed the device behavior of a nanoelectric GaAs on comsol software.
Hybrid NEURON-COMSOL sciatic nerve model with extracellular TIME stimulation (Xie et al, accepted)
GEANT4 Simulation for ICESPICE: Internal Conversion Electron SPectrometer In Coincidence Experiments.
Simulates flow around a corner at a specific Reynolds number with COMSOL
S-matrix method to calculate laser modes
Waveguide with diffraction grating coupled to ion trap. COMSOL simulation for sending light to a region.
Fields & Waves simulation project with focus on the interaction of a plane wave with a dielectric slab and analyze the reflection coefficient under different conditions using COMSOL Multiphysics.