There are 3 repositories under atmospheric-chemistry topic.
Run GEOS-Chem easily on AWS cloud
This BASH script installs all the required libraries, packages, software, dependencies, etc for the Weather Research & Forecasting model suite.
Applets for students to playfully interact with physical relationships and atmospheric models in an inquiry-based course on Atmospheric Physics.
Field observation quick analysis toolkit
WRF-GC Coupled Meteorology-Chemistry Model Release Repository
Integrated Methane Inversion workflow repository.
high-altitude balloon experimental platform
ESoWC 2021: Comparing Atmospheric Composition Datasets
A package to build, run and optimise a kinetic multi-layer model for aerosol particles and films
Repository for GEOS-Chem High Performance: software that enables running GEOS-Chem on a cubed-sphere grid with MPI parallelization.
This package provides code and datafiles necessary to classify model output of atmospheric aerosol chemical composition into aerosol types. This algorithm is proprietary software owned by North Carolina State University, Raleigh NC (however, the source code is provided until I am forced to take it down). Contact to use
Models of gas-phase atmospheric chemistry and related processes
Generate petrubated emissions for wrfchem ensemble prediction based on mt19937 code by T.Nishimura and M.Matsumoto
Configuration files for downloading GEOS-Chem input data with the bashdatacatalog utility.
Mistra - 1D model of the Marine Boundary Layer
Split up GEOS-Chem runs into smaller chunks to schedule jobs on HPC. Also enables managing Meteorology & emissions input files.
This repo contains open-source tools and tutorials developed by scientists and engineers funded by the NASA TROPESS project.
C++ template library for Discrete Element Method (DEM) simulations
A description of the CAMP chemistry mechanism configuration, with examples