There are 1 repository under methane topic.
GEOS-Chem "Science Codebase" repository. Contains GEOS-Chem science routines, run directory generation scripts, and interface code. This repository is used as a submodule within the GCClassic and GCHP wrappers, as well as in other modeling contexts (external ESMs).
Download and Visualize Essential Global Heating Data in R
Official code for STARCOP: Semantic Segmentation of Methane Plumes with Hyperspectral Machine Learning models :rainbow::artificial_satellite:
Integrated Methane Inversion workflow repository.
This R package is used to calculate CO2 and CH4 gas fluxes measured with static chamber method. It provide a easy way to calculate multiple flux measurements from one data file.
The EnviroGas app and database are being designed to track and monitor CO2 and methane emissions in the oil and gas sector.
Calculates the base of the Gas Hydrate Stability Zone given a sea floor raster using Joides formula.
Powell WG3 analysis: footprint directionality & land cover.
The Methane Number according to EN16726 with MWM correction as a VBA Function for excel. Optimization with a very simple genetic algorithm.
Probabilistic Gas Leak Rate Estimation using Submodular Function Maximization with Routing Constraints
Mesothermic bio-digester for small farms
Supplemental files accompanying McTigue, N.D., Q.A. Walker, & C.A. Currin (2021) "Refining estimates of greenhouse gas emissions from salt marsh “blue carbon” erosion and decomposition."
ESIIL working group: Harmonizing Natural Methane Datasets using Knowledge Guided Machine Learning
A cursed performance mod. Trying to compatible with 1.20 snapshots
Production code for CMS duration estimation
Files for a manuscript titled "Sulfate-dependent reversibility of intracellular reactions explains the opposing isotope effects in the anaerobic oxidation of methane", currently under review.
A practical guide to using TROPESS data products. Delivered as Jupyter Notebooks in Python
Code used to produce analysis for CH4 and CO2 emissions at Steamboat Geyser manuscript
a website that visualize the history and current state of Methane Pollution in all countries
The scripts used for the Honours Thesis project of Angus Kennedy, 2024.
MQ4 Methane (CNG) Gas Sensor Board Module
As part of the NASA 2023 Space Apps Challenge, this repository aims to provide an accessible and extensive repository, combining inter-disciplinary databases to support research in methane emissions.
Source code and post-processing scripts for paper "Regional variation in the effectiveness of methane-based and land-based climate mitigation options"
Improved Global Warming Potential
Estimates of methane emissions from dairies and cattle feedlots in Texas and California.
This script allows to easily calculate the expected density of a CH4, N2 and CO2 mixture (Biomethane), when loaded in liquid form, using SRK EoS.
Material for the lab course on anaerobic digestion
Livestock Emissions Project
Notebooks for paper "Global Solid Waste Methane Super Emitters Using Hyperspectral Satellites"
Ahren Lab page