There are 1 repository under geos-chem topic.
Python toolkit for GEOS-Chem. Contains basic plotting scripts, plus the suite of GEOS-Chem benchmarking utilities.
Run GEOS-Chem easily on AWS cloud
Integrated Methane Inversion workflow repository.
WRF-GC Coupled Meteorology-Chemistry Model Release Repository
The "superproject" wrapper repository for GCHP, the high-performance instance of the GEOS-Chem chemical-transport model.
The Harmonized Emissions Component (HEMCO), developed by the GEOS-Chem Support Team.
Module for working with global/regional Chemical Transport Model (CTM) output and observations
A simple portable file cataloging tool for bash
SMOKE Policy Tool: A framework to model and project the impact of Indonesian fires on public health in Equatorial Asia for 2005-2029 based on land use/ land cover classification, GFEDv4s fire emissions, and meteorology in Google Earth Engine
Logs of a massively parallel, thousand-core run of WRF-GC on the AWS Cloud
Repository for GEOS-Chem High Performance: software that enables running GEOS-Chem on a cubed-sphere grid with MPI parallelization.
The Kinetic PreProcessor, which is used to generate efficient chemistry-solver code from a mechanism specification.
Cloud-J is multi-scattering eight-stream radiative transfer model for solar radiation based on Fast-J. It was originally developed by Michael J. Prather.
Configuration files for downloading GEOS-Chem input data with the bashdatacatalog utility.
Fortran code to couple global model passive tracer fields to WRF boundaries
Split up GEOS-Chem runs into smaller chunks to schedule jobs on HPC. Also enables managing Meteorology & emissions input files.
Welcome to the GEOS-Chem website
Fortran code to couple global model passive tracer fields to WRF boundaries
A simple portable file cataloging tool for bash
Archive of GEOS-Chem Classic manual pages from v8 through v12.
Common documentation (ReadTheDocs format) that is inlined into GEOS-Chem Classic, GCHP, and HEMCO manuals.
Automatically retry opening NetCDF files when erroneous file system errors are detected