There are 0 repository under sba topic.
A virtual, fully-asynchronous, Tuple Space implementation backed by Orleans.
A student-managed library for ESI SBA hosting lessons, labs and previous exams.
python implementation of Sparse Bundle adjustment based on RNE (Schur Complement) to use descries dimension of design matrix (A)
한국인공지능아카데미 & SBA 아카데미 온라인 챗봇 교육자료
Analysis of Paycheck Protection Program by the government done to the Covid crisis in 2020. This repository focuses on merging, cleaning, normalizing and exploring the data using Python, Python Pandas and PySpark.
R interface for various datasets in US disaster aid funding. Includes cleaned datasets from NOAA, FEMA, HUD, and SBA.
API hosted on GCP that predicts the default of an SBA 7(a) loan
python implementation of Sparse Bundle adjustment based on RNE (Schur Complement) to use descries dimension of design matrix (A) with camera calibration
web app that makes small business association DSBS data nicer to look at. frontend uses react-app, backend uses flask with sqlite db. basic web scraper using python
Shiny application using data from disasteraidr package. Includes map visualizations and clustering.
Here you can interact with some graphs and statistics about the results from the ESI-SBA and the ESI-VGATH (ESTIN)