There are 1 repository under reusable topic.
Build your own chat UI with React components in few minutes. Chat UI Kit from chatscope is an open source UI toolkit for developing web chat applications.
A guide on how to write readable, reusable, and refactorable software
Swift5 精仿漫画类App(有妖气漫画),Moya+SwiftyJSON+HandyJSON网络框架和数据解析。数据来源真实接口获得
Dynamic scrollView based on UGUI
Devless is a ready-made back-end for development of web or mobile applications. It is fully open source under the permissive Apache v2 license. This means that you can develop your front end without worrying about neither back-end code or the business risk of a proprietary backend-as-a-service.
Generic reusables for UICollectionView and UITableView
🚿 Rinse, React, repeat. A boilerplate to build a React component library.
Expandable, collapsible, filterable and single/multi selectable table view.
A plotting library available in many programming languages.
Practical, reusable scripts for bioinformatics
🔥 CodeIgniter 4 example Album module uses Domain Driven Design Architecture with Tactical Pattern
An scrollView handler for UIScrollView & WKWebView and other scrollViews. Providing scrollview`s subViews reusable.
A simple unopinionated framework to implement simple modal based behaviour in angular (v2+) projects.
A selection of configurable native DOM UI elements
Integrating Braintree with Angular applications. ngx-braintree, a component that you can use in Angular 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, 7.x and 8.x applications.
Creating a simple sign up view and then moving onto more advanced sign up view with profile model and confirmation mail
An angular module provide a directive for feedback
🧱 A composable solution for building reusable lists in Swift/UIKit. As easy as playing with Legos.
Reusable Modal component, supports own custom HTML, text and classes.
Adonis Hexa is a software development paradigm for maintaining large applications at scale.
A helpful and pure Swift implemented library for registering and reusing cells or views in the table view and collection view.
Easy way to create/reuse custom cells & headers with xib written in Swift
Complex, Re-Usable, Performance-Optimised VBA Functions (2017 - 2019).