There are 3 repositories under snapkit topic.
Lightweight Swift framework for Apple's Auto-Layout
Bank Card Generator with Swift using SnapKit DSL 💳
Swift5 精仿漫画类App(有妖气漫画),Moya+SwiftyJSON+HandyJSON网络框架和数据解析。数据来源真实接口获得
Swift iOS and Mac OS X platforms currently in use the fastest the simplest development to build the UI layout automatically open source library, strong dynamic layout constraint handling capacity,iOS/Mac OS X平台上目前使用最简单开发构建UI速度最快的自动布局开源库,强悍的动态布局约束处理能力
UIKit declarative layout helpers
An open-source app which can help you record income and expense
一个基于Swift5、SwiftUi、CocoaPods、 RxSwift、Moya、Swinject、RxTheme、Kingfisher、FLEX、KafkaRefresh等前沿技术搭建的MVVM架构IOS客户端
The unofficial demo app of the Snapchat's Snap Kit
대덕소프트웨어마이스터고등학교 취업 지원 서비스 JOBIS_v2
[deprecated] Use SnapKit with the Facebook Pop animation framework.
🎞️ Movie app written in Swift & UIKit using the Custom API. App built using the MVVM architecture and 100% programmatic UI (No Storyboard). It shows you collections of TV streaming and other movies. + UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource, NSDiffableDataSourceSnapshot
An open-source SDK package for Flutter that provides developers with seamless integration and access to Snapchat's CameraKit features within their Flutter applications.
100% programmatically written in Swift. Clearly demonstrating the RxSwift, RxCocoa, RxRealm & SnapKit.
It's a programmatic iTunes App UI , demonstrates with SnapKit, Dark & Light Mode, UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout, Debounce(For Search), Customised AVPlayerViewController, Apple's Native Highlighting cell methods and MVVM Architecture.
Podcast App iOS Swift Native Project with Viper
Design tokens visualized for iOS
Movie App with MVVM, RxSwift, SnapKit
A demo project using VIPER architecture and building user interface programmatically
an ebook iOS app using Swift
知乎日报Swift3.0 为了让我的另一个库WRNetWrapper使用起来更高效,特开此项目作为测试,代码从0开始
RxSwift Google Place API demo project using MVVM and Coordinator
Приложение для создания и отслеживания задач с локальной авторизацией по Face ID [UIKit, MVVM, Realm, SnapKit, Core Animation, LocalAuthentication]
Android UI layout tools use pure kotlin code like SanpKit in Swift
📌 A tiny library that makes working with AutoLayout easier. Only 200 lines of code.