There are 1 repository under retargeting-animations topic.
An editor for jMonkeyEngine 3-D models (code has New BSD license)
A custom module for Godot Engine that provides a real-time retargeting system
Retarget Skeleton to another skeleton in ue5, both using ue4 rig way & IK Retargeter mode
Code and dataset of human retargeting approach to transfer motion and appearance between monocular videos. Check the examples from our dataset with several paired actors and motions!
An animation editing and retargeting library for jMonkeyEngine (code has New BSD license)
Animation and pose retargeting solver for 3D humanoid characters using Threejs.
Unreal Engine project with an IK retargeter for retargeting animations from Mixamo's X Bot to Unreal Engine's Quinn.
Scripts for retargeting Maya animation to URDF (Unified Robotics Description Format)