There are 0 repository under quartic topic.
A general cubic equation solver and quartic equation minimisation solver written for CPU and Nvidia GPUs, for more details and results, see: The library is available for C++/CUDA as well as Python using Pybind11.
A native (no external libraries) golang 3D ray tracing renderer, that implements Ray intersection via the Phong-Reflection Model, Recursive Shape grouping with AABB optimizations and Constructive Solid Geometry, augmented with recursively defined Patterns, Perlin/Simplex noise algorihthms, and an efficient convex-hull/half-edge Delaunay Triangulation implementation
Generic solution of the quartic equation + 3D interactive application to a geometrical problem
This repository contains some Mathematica notebooks for the calculation of the resurgent transeries of the quantum mechanical quartic double-well potential.