Jathushan Kaetheeswaran's repositories
☔️ Web application to display weather for various cities using https://openweathermap.org/ weather API
📍A mobile app I made using Swift, ARKit, PlacenoteSDK, and XCode to place 3D objects & 3D text using an iOS device
A copy of the VascuSynth code base to be modified for generating normal and tumourous vascular trees. This is part of my work at the Sunnybrook Research Institute on the Ultrasound team led by Dr. Stuart Foster.
Code repository for the work done by Team 16 for their Final Year Design Project (FYDP) at the University of Waterloo for Biomedical Engineering
📷 Web application to visualize several different convolutions by using image kernels to apply effects such as sharpening, edge detection, blurring, and more!
🎥 A personal site to showcase my resume, projects, and interests!