There are 1 repository under overdrive topic.
OneWire slave device emulator
OverDrive Libby Plugin for calibre
Reimplementation of the SoX Command-Line Audio Processor as DAW Plugins
Telegram Bot to download Libby Audiobook MP3
Python+node wrapper to read/send message from/to Anki Overdrive bluetooth vehicles.
commandline Java application to download mp3s from the Overdrive Libby audiobook library
Guitar multi effect running on STM32F746-DISCO board
WebExtension that shows book ratings from Goodreads on Overdrive library pages
Scan OverDrive library for available eBooks & audiobooks from Goodreads to-read shelf.
Add chapters to audiobooks
AHK script that forces maximum clocks while important applications are open. Automates OverdriveNTool's clock/voltage switching functionality for GPU and VRAM, with the purpose of enforcing maximum clocks while whitelisted applications are in focus.
Unpack Overdrive .odm files, separate by chapters and add metadata in Mac OS.
SOX Plugins for Reaper DAW in JSFX Language
Lightweight Android audiobook player with Overdrive chapter support
My custom Telegram Bot to customize messages and tweet them with my Twitter account.
Basic demo of setting up max overdrive freuency for MCU, using SysTick to make delay, using basic timer with interrupts
Anki Overdrive for Mac OS X with GUI to control up to 3 cars.
Simble Overdrive source files for KiCad
Userscript that will search for the book you are looking at on Goodreads and Amazon across all your Libby libraries with cards.
Control Anki Overdrive cars from a Raspberry Pi 3B using a keyboard
A place to keep track of issues and TODOs for
Retrieve OverDrive ISBNs for comparison against the Library's hoopla collection
Chrome/Edge extension to find Overdrive links for Goodreads books
"FTC robot controller app - minus OnBotJava and Blocks" -
Knowledgebase website
Chrome and Firefox extension that displays availability of ebooks and audiobooks from your local library on Good Reads pages.