There are 0 repository under maldi-msi topic.
A tool for mass spectrometry data analysis.
Shiny App for Mass Spectrometry Imaging
Script for analyzing intensity of olefin species from AgLDI IMS data. Uses MALDIquant, Cardinal and Tidyverse
Default preprocessing pipeline for MSI data in raw ASCII format based on Gaussian Mixture Modeling (GMM)
Companion code for the publication: Inglese, P., Huang, H., Wu, V., Lewis, M.R. and Takats, Z., 2021. Mass recalibration for desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry imaging using endogenous reference ions. biorXiv
This JupyterNotebook-based code implements a Mass Spectrometry Imaging (MSI) visualiser tool that allows researchers to explore molecular distributions across various samples for MALDI and DESI images using imzml file.
Script for unsupervised analysis of microdissected fly tubule phospholipid signals as well as fly sections. Uses Cardinal
Codes for analyzing the relative ganglioside intensities MS results of brain sections. Calculates total ion current using MALDIquant.
Data analysis pipeline for strawberry imaging mass spectrometry data in Food Chemistry publication. Uses Cardinal, MALDIquant and Tidyverse
Tutorial preprocessing MSI using MALDIquant