There are 7 repositories under casbin topic.
基于Gin + Vue + Element UI & Arco Design & Ant Design 的前后端分离权限管理系统脚手架(包含了:多租户的支持,基础用户管理功能,jwt鉴权,代码生成器,RBAC资源控制,表单构建,定时任务等)3分钟构建自己的中后台项目;项目文档》: V2 Demo: V3 Demo: Antd PRO:
An authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in Node.js and Browser
Simple Admin是一个基于Go Zero开发面向小型到大型项目的分布式微服务后端管理系统脚手架,提供丰富的后台管理功能,支持k8s快速部署,助力快速开发高并发微服务集群,适合学习和商用。Simple Admin is a powerful microservice framework for large management system. It is based on go-zero and supports several advanced features. It can help you to develop a microservice back-end management system in a short time.
🌉 基于Go+Vue实现的openLDAP后台管理项目
An authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in .NET (C#)
Web admin for go framework [gin/iris]
GORM adapter for Casbin, see extended version of GORM Adapter Ex at:
Zeus基于Golang Gin +casbin,致力于做企业统一权限&账号中心管理系统。包含账号管理,数据权限,功能权限,应用管理,多数据库适配,可docker 一键运行。社区活跃,版本迭代快,加群免费技术支持。
FastAPI + MySQL Web项目生成器 ,个人认为较为合理的项目组织结构;基于apscheduler的定时任务。
go web api,包含gin+gorm+jwt+rbac等。
This is the go boilerplate on the top of fiber web framework. With simple setup you can use many features out of the box
Xorm adapter for Casbin
lakego-admin 是使用 gin、JWT 和 RBAC 的前后端分离的 go 后台管理系统。An admin api system with gin, JWT and RBAC.
Casbin as a Service (CaaS)
(请仔细阅读每个项目文件夹下的README) 钢材信息小程序服务已暂停, 后续可能改为云函数
larke-admin 是一套使用 Laravel 、JWT 和 RBAC 鉴权的前后端分离的通用后台管理系统。/ An admin api system with Laravel, JWT and RBAC.
An authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in Laravel.
:zap::rocket: Based on the gin framework, we have developed a user-friendly, simple, and fast development framework for API programming using go1.18+
An authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in ThinkPHP.
Go + Vue开发的管理系统脚手架, 前后端分离, 仅包含项目开发的必需部分, 基于角色的访问控制(RBAC), 分包合理, 精简易于扩展。 后端Go包含了gin、 gorm、 jwt和casbin等的使用, 前端Vue基于vue-element-admin开发
MongoDB adapter for Casbin
简单图床托管系统/静态资源托管系统 - A simple assets platform powered by spring (spring boot / spring security) & vue 2 & element ui & Casdoor(For Authenication)
Caddy-authz is a middleware for Caddy that blocks or allows requests based on access control policies.
An authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in C/C++
Docker RBAC and ABAC Authorization Plugin Based on Casbin: