There are 0 repository under colormaps topic.
Perceptually uniform cmocean colormaps in MATLAB.
Scientific colormaps for ANSYS Fluent
1D RGB color gradient
Visualize and print volumetric brain data
Hot and cold colormap for diverging data
Generate animated gifs of quasicrystal patterns using sums of waves in the plane
MATLAB function to make divergent colormaps with the color white always centered on zero.
perceptually uniform 1D color gradient ( HSLuv) using C99 implementation of HSLuv (revision 4)
Utility functions for working with colors in Python.
Practice exercises for using Matplotlib and Creating Colormaps
Create Your own colormaps
Python for Geosciences: Basic python, Numpy, Matplotlib, Pandas, Data analysis, Data Visualization
A tool for designing perceptual colormaps for data visualization
POV-Ray colormaps
Scientific colormaps for python, with only numpy dependency
A set of useful plotting functions and colormaps for astronomical data.
Additional colormaps in ANSYS Fluent scheme format
Convenient way of importing all colormaps availabe at
Python script that reads in .pal file color tables and converts them to a matplotlib colormap.
POV-Ray height field and shpere animation
Tiny library to create colormaps easily, 'lego-like'.
Application for pseudo coloring of medical images - here all colormaps are implemented from scratch. The paper we implemented is available in the repository.
getting started with data analysis with #julialang and sample MRI data