There are 3 repositories under choropleth topic.
Leaflet Data Visualization Framework
Chart.js Choropleth and Bubble Maps
🗺 A JavaScript library to easily integrate one or more SVG world maps with all nations (countries) and second-level political subdivisions (countries, provinces, states).
Choropleth plugin for Leaflet (color scale based on value)
Thematic web maps based on D3.
An interactive data visualization of the result of Indonesia's recent election built using D3.js and KawalPemilu API
Interactive choropleth Javascript map using Leaflet. Includes GeoJSON data for Finland municipalities.
Single-step data classification, symbology and legend creation for GeoJSON data powered thematic maps
:tangerine: :earth_africa: Orange add-on for dealing with geography and geo-location
Introduction to simple mapping in R: georeferencing lat/long coordinates, thematic mapping and choropleth maps, using simple features, leaflet, and tmap and mapview.
Python code to generate political maps
Current and historical coronavirus covid-19 confirmed, recovered, deaths and active case counts segmented by country and region. Includes csv, json and sqlite data along with an interactive website explorer.
interactive d3.js v.4 maps and graphs data viz of US census data from
Geographical mapping in python using UK GeoJSON files
R package to represent statistical data on official Spanish maps at several administrative levels
A set of "real-time" covid19 county-level dashboards w/ national and state choropleths for monitoring localized infection resurgences as distancing, testing and tracing measures evolve.
Choropleth map of World populations (w/ 43 projections)
⬡ Quebec Hexagon GeoJSON Tiles (with example usage in R)
Choropleth (heatmap) of Bangladesh weather data from 2011 Census by Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics.
A python project bases on folium library, making an interactive 2 layered pointer map which gives data about world population country wise.
Interactive geovisualizations of NY cancer data using Plotly
We will be using various Python libraries to interactively visualize the data.
COVID-19 : Choropleth Map
:hamburger: Analyzing American Fast Food Restaurants Records
This project contain the implementation of folium maps using choroplath & geojson method
PubMed meets choropleths; fun ensues
HTML and Javascript to allow applying CSV data to an SVG to create a heatmap
This is an introductory notebook about practice of Exploratory Data Analysis with several examples using some libraries like numpy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, plotly and others.