There are 4 repositories under election-data topic.
United States General Election Presidential Results by District, Ward, or County from 2008 to 2024
🏁 presidential_election_county_results_2016
An interactive map for US presidential, senate, house, and governor election results and projections. Written in HTML/CSS/JS
Election monitoring app through which commissioned observers can easily report back to their respective NGOs throughout the election day.
Shapefile of voting precincts in Ohio (as of 2016) merged with election returns
Reproduction material for "#Secim2023: First Public Dataset for Studying Turkish General Election"
Utilities to analyze ACS PUMS files, especially for distribution regression / ecological inference
Tools for consolidation and analysis of raw election results from the most reliable sources -- the election agencies themselves.
iOS election monitoring app - a mobile app through which commissioned observers can easily report back to their respective NGOs throughout the election day
NGO dashboard for viewing answers submitted by certified observers
Python code to generate political maps
Lookup donation history of a Political Action Committee to specific US federal election candidates using data sourced directly from the FEC
Maschinenlesbare Wahlprogramme der Europawahl 2019
Joined 2020 Census and election files for redistricting.
A relational database and accompanying API of Canadian parliamentary data
Electoral candidates for Pakistan's national and provincial assemblies in 2024 as a JSON.
Android election monitoring app - a mobile app through which commissioned observers can easily report back to their respective NGOs throughout the election day
API pentru monitorizarea incidentelor din cadrul alegerilor parlamentare din 2016.
Module for The Craft of Writing
Data and code for "Polling bias and undecided voter allocations: US Presidential elections, 2004 - 2016"
Android election monitoring app - a mobile app through which commissioned observers can easily report back to their respective NGOs throughout the election day
Collecting voter turnout data for the European Parliament elections
US Presidential Election Results, by county (2000-2020), congressional district (2020), and state (1864-2020)
Aplicatie React pentru monitorizarea incidentelor din cadrul alegerilor parlamentare din 2016.
Project in Streamlit that includes: A login interface, a voting scheme, voter analytics and election result analytics
berisikan data yang dikumpulkan dan pengolahan data sebelum pelaksanaan Pemilu Legislatif Indonesia tahun 2019
scraping and analyzing the 2024 election website (the program only runs partially, the rest can be run on each device, LOL...)
Scripts to load bulk Federal Election Committee campaign contribution data into a postgres database for analysis data dump
Parses JSON data from to CSV
Tideman Election Collection parsed and computed by Condorcet PHP
Modeling and simulating the 2024 general election based on polling data