There are 1 repository under top-k topic.
MinHash, LSH, LSH Forest, Weighted MinHash, HyperLogLog, HyperLogLog++, LSH Ensemble and HNSW
Case Recommender: A Flexible and Extensible Python Framework for Recommender Systems
Dynamic Score-Decomposed Tries which more efficiently solve the prefix autocomplete problem
PHP client for RedisBloom module
🎛️ Use RedisBloom in PHP!
A fast and highly accurate differentiable Top-k operator from the "Successive Halving Top-k Operator" AAAI'21 paper.
Mallows Kendall. A python package to for Mallows Model with top-k and complete rankings using Kendall's-tau distance. By Ahmed Boujaada, Fabien Collas and Ekhine Irurozki. We present methods for inference in the Mallows Model (MM), the best-known distribution for permutations. This is short tutorial for top-k rankings and complete rankings under the Kendall's-tau distance. Theoretical details are given in Fabien Collas and Ekhine Irurozki (2020). Concentric mixtures of Mallows Models for top-k rankings: sampling and identifiability. In: International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 21). 2021.
Tools for maximum inner product retrieval in recommender systems.
Sliding-window and regular top-K sketches, based on HeavyKeeper
Thread-safe and persistent Golang implementations of probabilistic data structures: Bloom Filter, Cuckoo Filter, HyperLogLog, Count-Min Sketch and Top-K
A C++ and MFC based data query system. Support underlying DBMS algorithm as Top-K query, B+ tree index and External Sorting.
The repository contains code to reproduce the experiments from our paper Error Feedback Can Accurately Compress Preconditioners available below:
Dive into the world of text embeddings. This course will guide you through leveraging text embeddings to enhance various natural language processing (NLP) tasks.
Analysis of 'Attention is not Explanation' performed for the University of Amsterdam's Fairness, Accountability, Confidentiality and Transparency in AI Course Assignment, January 2020
Get the indices of the top K values in an array
SemanticSearch is a PyTorch-based code for searches in text
Instagram Bot with multiple features for educational purposes on Selenium.
Demo app for the sliding top-k sketch library
Laboratory on Algorithms for Big Data a.a. 2016/17 - University of Pisa
Heavykeeper algorithm for Top-K elephant flows
Opto-fmri decoding of locus coeruleus firing patterns using Graph Neural Networks and the BrainGNN framework
spatial data selection queries and nearest neighbor search for Beijing restaurants
A Clojure library/program to do Top-k queries on large time series data sets.
The project aims to find the trend by extracting and analyzing top k words in real-time posts of Twitter.
Implementation of the Top-k treshold and Fagin algorithm for a database data retrieval.
In this project, developed for the course "Principles of Programming Languages and Compilers", cosine similarity between sets of documents was calculated.
Final project of "Algorithms and Principles of Computer Science" course - "Prova finale di Algoritmi e Principi dell'informatica" - Politecnico di Milano - A.A. 2020-2021
University assignment for Searching Web and Multimedia Databases class at ČVUT @FIT_CTU
Replication package for the paper Towards Optimal GPU-accelerated K-Nearest Neighbors Search