There are 85 repositories under probot topic.
A GitHub App built with Probot that closes abandoned Issues and Pull Requests after a period of inactivity.
🤖 All the missing GitHub automation 🙂 🙌
🤖️ A ChatGPT based GitHub robot. dialogue/CR/etc..
Boost your GitHub workflow 🚀
No more manually deleting merged branches, this lovely app does it for you.
A friendly bot that helps onboarding new Open Source Contributors
🤖 A Probot app that adds reviewers to pull requests when pull requests are opened.
Weekly summary of activity on your GitHub repository :calendar:
Automatically create polls in GitHub issues.
Applies labels to Pull Requests based on the total lines of code changed.
This is the home of probot documentation, apps, how-to guides and more.
Requests more info from PRs/Issues with either the default title or a blank body
Probot using figma api to comment on PRs with before after images
🤖 A Github bot to automatically label PRs, issues and perform all the boring operations that you don't want to do.
An extension for running Probot on Lambda
:octocat: GitHub App built with Probot that add a label depending on the pull request's status
:electric_plug: An adapter that takes a Probot app and makes it compatible with GitHub Actions
Run Lighthouse tests in Pull Requests for multiple URLs with custom budgets
Replies to toxic comments with a maintainer designated reply and a link to the repo's code of conduct
🤖 A perfect companion for your Open Collective
📝Sensitive, considerate writing before you merge your Pull Requests
Plugin-based GitHub bot for ESLint
A Probot extension to easily share configs between repositories.