There are 1 repository under presidential-election topic.
United States General Election Presidential Results by District, Ward, or County from 2008 to 2024
🏁 presidential_election_county_results_2016
🇺🇸🏁 Draw a beautiful county-level election results map with only a few lines of code
Data and code for "Polling bias and undecided voter allocations: US Presidential elections, 2004 - 2016"
A project develop for analyzing electability of each Indonesia president candidate during campaign period in 2024 based on Instagram Comments. This project utilize bunches of different algorithms to deliver high accuracy on its prediction.
Run a model predicting the USA presidential party winner 2024, Allora worker for topic 11 an initial inferences of token R : Republican and D : Democrat
Run sentiment analysis on political subreddits to discover Reddit community reactions to the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election
Aggregates FiveThirtyEight polling averages for battleground states
El repositorio contiene código que analiza los canales de televisión TN, C5N y A24 de Argentina. Son noticieros muy conocidos, los cuales tienen streams continuos en YouTube con el chat habilitado. Se toma la infromación del chat y se hacen diferentes análisis para entender el comportamiento de las personas y la percepción de los partidos políticos
📰 텍스트 마이닝 미니 프로젝트 : 미국 대선 관련 뉴스 기사 & 트위터 & 토론 텍스트 마이닝을 통한 감성 분석 및 예측 👍 👎
Max's 2024 U.S. Presidential Election Predictions. Playground for analyses of publicly available polling data.
Presidential Election data of Sri Lanka from 1982 to 2015.
Predict the president based on survey data Python , R is used
List of all of the shady and bad things Donald Trump Administration has done the first term as President
This is a RESTFUL API which all elections in Nigeria from 2014 will be compiled and serve through some unique endpoints.
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) of 2016 US presidential campaign in NY by R
This project plots four indicators as variables of the economy across the span of the Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama, and Trump presidencies. Balance of trade, real gross domestic product (GDP), stock, and unemployment were chosen as indicators of economic health.
The 2020 Presidential Election Prediction with ML Algorithms via US Census Fundamentals
[인공지능기초] 텍스트 마이닝을 통한 2024 미국 대선 분석 🗽
When will Trump leave? If not sooner, then hopefully on January 20, 2029.
Forecasting the four-party vote share of the 20th presidential election of Republic of Korea
Fetch, process, and analyze 2024 presidential polling data.
Code repository for Presidential Election Predictions.
Feature Engineering, Regression, Classification, Model Explanation. My 2 biggest projects exploring the link between economic indicators and U.S. presidential election results.
so my class has this thing about class president stuff. and last time i got 11.5384615385% of the class to vote for me. 3 votes. this is me trying to change that.
Predicting the 2024 Mexican presidential elections
[Tableau DataFest VizGallery 선정작] 2022년 창의성과 인터랙션 연구소 서포터즈 | 대한민국 제20대 대선 결과 시각화 대시보드 구축 프로젝트
This repository talks about politics, elections, economics and data analyses. Find the PDF documents attached. Find my Publications on:
Proyek ini berfokus pada analisis demografis pengguna Twitter selama Pemilihan Presiden Indonesia 2019 dengan menggunakan teknik BERT. Studi ini bertujuan untuk memahami perbedaan opini politik berdasarkan demografi dan mengeksplorasi pengaruh media sosial, khususnya Twitter, terhadap lanskap politik Indonesia.
2017 French Presidential Elections Forecast : France, like many countries, operates by the system of universal suffrage. During each vote, the results are final when all the votes have finished being counted. But some estimation can be made on the final results during the day. This challenge proposes to explore models allowing to predict the results using only half of the votes. This type of challenge is part of all the economic issues that are seeing a revival with the arrival of machine learning methods. With the increase of available data in open access, it is possible to better model complex economic problems. This challenge therefore aims on the one hand to improve the estimate of the election results and on the other hand to propose an original model allowing to capture the multiple dimensions of this problem.
This is the project for my Distributed Systems' university course. It focuses on the visualization of a large number of geolocalized tweets.
Election Results Simulation
Monitoring of political and media communication before the 2023 presidential elections in the Czech Republic (January 2023). This repository focuses on the extraction and analysis of the paid political advertising on Meta platforms through the use of the FB Ads library access.
Automatized extraction and analysis of Czech transparent election accounts for the 2023 pre-election monitoring.
Visualization of French mayor's sponsorships for the French presidential election of 2022