There are 0 repository under presidential-elections topic.
A guide to analyzing & visualizing American political data using R. Winter 2023 Version.
An interactive map for US presidential, senate, house, and governor election results and projections. Written in HTML/CSS/JS
Silkworm - US presidential election predictor using opinion poll data. Uses Python, Pandas, Bokeh.
An exploration of historical data on US presidential elections
US Presidential Election Results, by county (2000-2020), congressional district (2020), and state (1864-2020)
Search, fetch, and get data regarding United States presidents.
Building Election Dataset includes data from 172 countries both "Presidential" and "legislative".
Analysis of 2023 Nigerian Presidential Election using power BI. This analysis was crafted from the already exiting data of the past election in which was said to have one of the highest turnouts in the history of Nigeria.
Fetch, process, and analyze 2024 presidential polling data.
Showcase the use of Machine Learning, Python 3, NumPy, Anaconda, Jupyter Notebook, Pandas, sklearn,TensorFlow, Keras, plotly, hv plot, MySQL, ETL, Postgres/pgAdmin, JavaScript, Tableau in Predicting 2020 US Election Results.
Conoce a tus candidatos. Test político basado en los Programas de Gobierno de los diversos candidatos de Chile.
Breve análise da base de dados publicada pelo Tribunal Superior Eleitoral sobre os votos do primeiro turno das eleições presidenciais no Brasil, 2018.