There are 13 repositories under ggplot topic.
A library for creating complex UpSet plots with ggplot2 geoms
Grammar of Graphics for Kotlin
Simplify ggplot2 visualisation
Skia frontend for Lets-Plot multiplatform plotting library.
Lorem-Ipsum-like Helpers for fast Shiny Prototyping
colorblind friendly color palettes and ggplot2 graphic system extensions for publication-quality scientific figures
A "Geom" for creating charts with a cyberpunk aesthetic
Various data visualization projects.
Bellabeat Case Study - Google Data Analytics Capstone
Análisis de texto y visualización de datos con R, de conversaciones de WhatsApp, primer parte. Uso de librería rwhatsapp.
ggplot to loon
Dataset and visualizations of Nintendo Games and ratings, scraped from
W.E.B. Du Bois Challenge plots
A minimal tutorial on how to build a neural network classifier based on the iris data set using Keras/TensorFlow in R/RStudio
Introductory Statistics for Economists (Undergraduate Intro Course)
Set of templates and themes to apply CMAP graphics standards to R products.
Análisis de sentimientos y visualización de datos con R, de conversaciones de WhatsApp, segunda parte. Uso de librería rwhatsapp.
This repo contains data visualizations for #TidyTuesday.
R for data visualization and analysis of heart disease datasets.
#rstats project to create a complete data visualisation using ggplot, i.e. without the need to add any finishing touches with a package such as Illustrator. To include specific fonts, cropped images and a repeating pattern where each item has similar constituent parts. To make it a bit more interesting, I wanted to use R to extract colours from the included images.