There are 8 repositories under nodemon topic.
🛠️⚡ Step-by-step tutorial to build a modern JavaScript stack.
sample node app for Docker examples
Finally some real world examples on getting started with Docker Compose and Nodejs.
REST API boilerplate using NodeJS and KOA2, typescript. Logging and JWT as middlewares. TypeORM with class-validator, SQL CRUD. Docker included. Swagger docs, actions CI and valuable README
:truck: A boilerplate for API Server with Node.js, Express, and Mongoose on Nodemon.
The Complete Web Development Bootcamp course on Udemy, taught by Angela Yu.
NodeJS Shopping Cart - NodeJS, Express, Express-Session, Express handlebars (hbs)
Simple Registration and Login component with MERN stack
This is a simple REST API with node and express with typescript
A webpack plugin that uses Nodemon to start and reload the server.
:tada: Node.js login, registration using Express, mongoose, express-sessions and ejs
Real fast development reloading for server side TypeScript projects.
Full Stack Movie Application with NEXT.JS 13!(Next.js 13, mongodb, node js, NextAuth.js v4, Tailwind CSS, framer-motion, TMDB Api, Google Authentication, primary information about a movies, Users can Add Bookmark in favorite actors and movies)
In this article, you'll learn how to build CRUD RESTful API with Node.js, ExpressJs, TypeORM, and PostgreSQL. We will define the database schema with TypeORM and run the migration command to push the TypeORM schema to the database. Next, we will create higher-level CRUD function to perform the CRUD operations.
A RESTful Full-stack Typescript boilerplate with MongoDB, Express framework and ReactJS library (MERN stack with Typescript)
Template for bootstrap projects with Node.js and TypeScript
Node with mysql boilerplate
The official source code for the website side of DEL!
The semi-most semi-advanced public moderation Discord bot w/ a web-dashboard
Repositório modelo em NodeJS para os alunos do curso técnico em desenvolvimento de sistemas - SENAI
The simplest possible Async Universal React & Redux Boilerplate app, that works on both Mac and Windows
MERN Stack Tours & Travels Booking Website Created with React JS
Minimal Hapi + React + Webpack + HMR (hot module reloading) Sandbox
An opinionated Typescript starter setup for Express + Pino, deployable with Docker and PM2.
MERN Student Management System (MongoDB, Express, React & Nodejs)
React Boiler Plate / Nextjs for full stack development workflow with organized project structure. 💣
Simple Web Application that offer you to create video meeting room using WebRTC and Socket.
Advanced template for Electron apps with Svelte and Typescript.