There are 12 repositories under pm2 topic.
🛠️⚡ Step-by-step tutorial to build a modern JavaScript stack.
Automatically rotate all applications logs managed by PM2
:sparkles: 高仿掘金,整合 vue + nuxt + axios + vuex + vue-router (nuxt 自带 vuex 和 vue-router),一个基于 Nuxt 的服务器端渲染 Demo
The CUTEST Visual Novel / Galgame Forum! KUN Visual Novel project. KUN Visual Novel Forum 2nd generation!
🔰🦸 Template to start developing a REST API with Node.js (Express), TypeScript, Ts.ED, ESLint, Prettier, Husky, Prisma, etc.
:truck: A boilerplate for API Server with Node.js, Express, and Mongoose on Nodemon.
Install PM2 offline as a service on Windows or Linux. Mostly designed for Windows.
💯 Boilerplate for Node.js Koa RESTful API application with Docker, Swagger, Jest, CodeCov and CircleCI
使用vue2.x + vue-cli +vue-router+ vuex + axios + mysql + express + pm2 + webpack+nginx构建的具有登录,注册,留言,用户发帖,用户评论等功能的SPA Blog。注意,注意,注意,后端API全部自己手写,很适合刚学习vue以及express的小伙伴学习,喜欢请Star鼓励一下我,谢谢!项目预览:
🤓 This is a simple SPA built using Koa as the backend, Vue as the first frontend, and React as the second frontend. Features MySQL integration, user authentication, CRUD note actions, and async/await.
An opinionated progressive web app boilerplate
The most simple NodeJS application manager with RESTful API.
(DEPRECATED) use @pm2/io instead (drop-in replacement)
Monitor server CPU / Memory / Process / Zombie Process / Disk size / Security Packages / Network Input / Network Output
Material UI version of, the biggest Node.js Chinese community.
Piyobot adalah whatsapp bot pintar
Web frontend code for my blogs, develop with Vue.
Touitomamout is an easy way to synchronize your Twitter's tweets 🦤 to Mastodon 🦣 and Bluesky post ☁️ (also known as Twitter to Mastodon & Bluesky crossposter)
Deploying a Strapi API on AWS (EC2 & RDS & S3)
Final boilerplate code of the JavaScript Stack from Scratch tutorial –
:rabbit: :rabbit: pm2 prometheus exporter
A full-stack sample web application based on Next.js that creates a simple whole-website architecture
📈 Scaling Node.js on each X, Y and Z axis using Node.js Native Modules, PM2, AWS , Load Balancers, AutoScaling, Nginx, AWS Cloudfront