There are 2 repositories under swagger2 topic.
:tada: (RuoYi)官方仓库 基于SpringBoot,Spring Security,JWT,Vue & Element 的前后端分离权限管理系统,同时提供了 Vue3 的版本
JWT auth service using Spring Boot, Spring Security and MySQL
🔥 🎉新蜂商城前后端分离版本-后端API源码
Demo for Spring Boot 3(`master` branch)/2(other branches) and Spring Cloud microservices with distributed configuration (Spring Cloud Config), service discovery (Eureka), API gateway (Spring Cloud Gateway, Zuul), Swagger/OpenAPI documentation (Springdoc), logs correlation using Spring Cloud Sleuth/Micrometer OTEL and many more
spring cloud 版分布式电商项目,全力打造顶级多模块,高可用,高扩展电商项目
:tada: (RuoYi)官方仓库 基于SpringBoot,Spring Security,JWT,Vue & Element 的前后端分离权限管理系统
⚒️ Redocly CLI makes OpenAPI easy. Lint/validate to any standard, generate beautiful docs, and more.
echo middleware to automatically generate RESTful API documentation with Swagger 2.0.
基于SpringCloud的微服务架构实战案例项目,以一个简单的购物流程为示例,融合spring cloud 相关组件,如spring-cloud-netflix、swagger等
A collection of Editors, Linters, Parsers, Code Generators, Documentation, Testing
OpenAPI/Swagger UI document, quickly generate mock params and call api, also simplified postman tool. 基于 OpenAPI/Swagger 规范的接口文档,快速模拟请求参数并调用接口,也是简化版 postman 工具,欢迎提功能请求、bug
libopenapi is a fully featured, high performance OpenAPI 3.1, 3.0 and Swagger parser, library, validator and toolkit for golang applications.
This module performs automatic construction of Swagger documentation. It can identify the endpoints and automatically capture methods such as get, post, put, and so on. It also identifies paths, routes, middlewares, response status codes and parameters. At the end, it generates the .json file containing the Swagger format specification.
Sample Spring Boot application that uses some features provided by Spring Cloud Kubernetes, Spring Cloud OpenFeign and Spring Cloud Gateway deployed on Kubernetes
Default net/http wrapper to automatically generate RESTful API documentation with Swagger 2.0.
💫 A Gradle Plugin to generate your networking code from Swagger
:tada: (RuoYi)官方仓库 基于SpringBoot,Spring Security,JWT,Vue & Element 的前后端分离权限管理系统
SpringBoot Examples
Convert OpenAPI specifications (a.k.a. Swagger) to PlantUML diagrams
More advanced samples of spring boot and spring cloud microservices showing usage of such tools like api Swagger2 on Zuul, integraction with MongoDB, configuration server, testing with Spring Cloud Contract or Hoverfly
OK帮 云进销存 (SpringBoot Restful 全家桶)
Open API specifications for platform products by Slack
基于 Spring Boot、 Spring Data JPA、 Spring Security、Vue 的前后端分离的管理系统。项目采用模块开发方式, 主要模块:权限管理 (RBAC(Role-Based Access Control,基于角色的访问控制),支持数据字典、数据权限管理、前端菜单支持动态路由)、日志管理、代码生成器、系统监控、云存储管理、系统工具等等
Auto generates the swagger documentation of a laravel project based on best practices and simple assumptions
:link: Merge multiple swagger files into a swagger file, support JSON/YAML.
Generate and serve swagger.json