There are 5 repositories under sinon topic.
🛠️⚡ Step-by-step tutorial to build a modern JavaScript stack.
A minimal test double library for TDD with JavaScript
🌺 Russian translation of "JavaScript Stack from Scratch" from the React-Theming developers
A testing meta-framework that simplifies unit testing by reducing boilerplate code and enabling developers to build comprehensive and reliable test suites
Node.js / Express Onion Architecture boilerplate with Typescript - OOP Variant
Some examples on how to achieve the same goal with either of both libraries: sinon and jest. Also some of those goals achievable only by one of these tools.
✅Simple and straightforward Vuex Store mock for vue-test-utils
Shows how to do unit tests and integration tests with Redux-Form
A collection of JavaScript coding challenges
Hapi.js based REST boilerplate which uses latest ES7/ES8 features (async/await) with code coverage and follows best pratices
Intuitive mocking library for Typescript class imports
Example how to mock TypeORM database connection for your blazing unit-tests with Mocha and Jest
Extend Sinon stubs for Mongoose methods to test chained methods easily
Mock/stub the Express request/response objects using Jest or sinon
Sinon sandbox test integration for QUnit
A solid test setup for React components with Mocha, Chai, Sinon, Enzyme in a Webpack/Babel application.
Simple request and response mock objects to pass into Express routes when testing using Sinon.
Digital wallet full stack application developed with Next.js and Node.js
Example project for Express.js with JWT blogpost
Reusable popover component for Vue
A useful website for finding movie's rating in Chinese and English. By crawling Yahoo, Ptt, IMDB.
Building an E-commerce API with TDD/BDD, SQS AWS Queue Service, Domain Driven Design and Clean Architecture
🤓 JavaScript Unit Testing Examples
Examples on how to test Cloudflare workers with Mocha.js and Chai.js
🥒 Quick start for testing with Cucumber.js
高效能、高品质的 React 前端研发实践
Portfolio of exercises and activities performed by Raphael Martins during the Web Development course at Trybe.