There are 5 repositories under name-generator topic.
Generate unique and memorable name strings
:black_nib: Markov process-based procedural name and word generator demo
A Java implementation of various procedural name generation algorithms, including combinatorial, consonant vowel, context-free grammar, and Markov chain.
A startup AI name generator using OpenAI APIs by Ali Solanki
A library and CLI program for generating random names, written in Go.
#NVJOB Name Generator. Free Unity Asset.
✒️ Markov process-based procedural name and word generator library
Business name generator like with namecheap API
A Python package for generating random Persian (Farsi) names.
RNN that generates names resembling those you give it, be it people's names, city names, etc.
Various text/word generation methods implemented in Unity.
Random EOS name generator python package.
A simple name generator in the syle of <adjective> <noun> like mad zebra :zany_face: :zebra:. Install using 'pip install runnamegen'
A pseudo pip-search utility to ascertain if a package name is available in the PyPI repository and 'register' it
A name generator made in python. Generates names by gender and language.
A python name generator
🔠 NameGen: 🎲 Random word generator for 🆕 project names. Save ⏳ and get creative! ✨
Fake Name Generator for Website (UserNames)
Credit Card, SSN, First and Last name generator for testing web apps and playing with scammers
Generate various kinds of names using Markov Chains and random mixers
Generates random names based on previous data or supplied lists
A tool to generate medieval names for when medieval names are needed
🇼🍎️🍏️💾️ The official source repository for WacOS Apple Picker, a set of joke programs (WacOS Big Cat Picker and WacOS Apple Valley Picker) used for generating names of MacOS releases. Part of the WacOS operating system project.