There are 0 repository under minion-sequencer topic.
Repo for Mincall - MinION basecaller we're working on during academic year 2016/2017.
MinION Open-source Nucleotide Identifier for Continuous Analysis - Software for MinION sequencing quantitative metagenomic analysis in real time
Third generation sequencing techniques rapidly evolved as a common practice in molecular biology. Great advances have been made in terms of feasibility, cost, throughput, and read-length. However, sample contamination still poses a big issue: it complicates correct, high-quality downstream analysis of sequencing data and usage in medical applications. Furthermore, it might be unclear weather the sequenced reads represent the intended target. To address these issues we developed a cross-platform desktop application: Sequ-Into.
Pipeline for 3rd Generation sequencing data from MinION
This is just small command line pipeline to simplify going from ONT Unbasecalled data using Guppy to Assembly using Flye, all of the tools are existing tools.
Clustering DNA reads by barcodes from raw reads. Old code written for my master-thesis.
Automated detection of unfixed mobile genetic elements in long read DNA sequencing data
Accompanying information to a scientific publication on the assembly of bacterial genomes using Illumina and nanopore sequencing data using Unicylcer.