There are 0 repository under max30100 topic.
This project is MAX3010x library for STM32F4
Tracing COVID-19 patient using SAM-M8Q GPS modul and MAX30102 for heart rate monitoring
Firmware for ARM processor | SLU Biomedical Engineering Department
Heart measurements - STM32F746G-Discovery + MAX30100
Embedded PHP: Code Examples
IOT project using esp8266 and max30100
Experimenting with ❤️ heart rate and 😤 SPo2 values with Arduino. (Generic, MAX30100, MAX30102)
Code for measure Heart rate and Spo2 by Max30100 sensor and push data to Firebase realtime database by ESP8266
Programa enfocado a Arduino + Ethernet Shield que calcula y envía los 3 principales signos vitales de una persona: pulso cardíaco (LPM), temperatura corporal (°C) y saturación de oxígeno en sangre (SpO2 %).
《MHIS》Mobile Health Inspection System
Health Monitoring System using ESP32 and MAX30100 sensor to measure the Heartrate and SpO2 levels in a person
A deployable Arduino Uno and ESP8266 based autonomous COVID-19 symptom checking and sanitization unit accompanied by a Quasar VueJS mobile application.
Embedded PHP: Sensors Library
🏆 Top 10 Globally @ Google Solution Challenge 2024 - Glutara Hardware Application. Built with Arduino MAX30100 oximetry, ESP32, and C++
Smart Healthcare Monitoring System
Open Hardware for Engineer
Oximeter monitor project using the ESP32 microcontroller and the MAX30100 sensor
Arduino library for MAX30100 and MAX30102, integrated oximeter and heart rate sensor
A Pulse Oximeter developed using ESP8266
♥ Project for data logging with pulse oximeter MAX30100
Firmware for an oximeter monitor using the ESP32 microcontroller and the MAX30100 sensor
❤️📊 A real-time Heart Rate & SpO2 Monitor using MAX30100, ESP32, and Firebase ☁️. It transmits heart rate 💓 & SpO2 🩸 via Wi-Fi 📡 to Firebase 🔥 for cloud visualization 📈. Features real-time monitoring ⏱️, cloud storage ☁️ & scalability 🛠️. Future: wearable ⌚, mobile app 📱 & AI analytics 🤖. 🚀