There are 0 repository under hack-computer topic.
Raycasting game for the Hack computer from Elements of Computing Systems / Coursera NAND2Tetris
An assembler for the Hack language implemented in C++.
My implementation of the nand2tetris Hack computer.
Exercises and notes on the course Build a Modern Computer from First Principles
A compiler for the Jack language from the nand2tetris course.
An emulator for the Hack computer architecture implemented in Rust.
Compiler for the Jack programming language. Consisting of a syntax analyzer that parses Jack programs according to the Jack grammar and translates the code to an intermediate virtual machine language.
Virtual machine translator for the Hack computer that translates programs written in the VM language into programs written in the Hack machine language.
My implementation of the Hack computer in HDL as well as software tools such as an assembler, compiler and emulator written in C.
A program that translates Hack virtual-machine language code (as defined in the nand2tetris course) into Hack assembly code.
Assembler program for the Hack computer that translates the Hack symbolic language into binary code that can execute on the Hack hardware platform.
An assembler for the Hack assembly language as defined in the nand2tetris course.
A thirilling game based on Hack system using Jack language.
Solutions for
An assembler for the Hack language implemented in Rust.