There are 0 repository under graduate-school topic.
It is my belief that you, the postgraduate students and job-seekers for whom the book is primarily meant will benefit from reading it; however, it is my hope that even the most experienced researchers will find it fascinating as well.
🎓 Advice and resources for thriving and surviving graduate school
A group for computer scientists and physicists with aspirations of becoming quantum scientists. Quantum computing, jobs, books and graduate school are amongst the topics covered.
This handbook helps demystify the PhD admission process in Computer Science in US universities.
All of my math stuff from grad school.
We found that there is a lack of a properly maintained list of websites and other links for people who are applying or planning to apply to Ph.D. programs. Feel free to make changes to the README file and submit your pull requests. The requests will be duly cross-checked and approved to keep this list spam-free.
LaTeX template for help with writing CSE dissertation at Ohio State University
Based on OMSCS. 🎓 Collaborative open source notes for graduate computer science courses.
Graduate school applications for fall 2020 admission 🎓
Repository for Max Grove's coursework in the NYU Tandon Bridge Program, Summer 2023. Includes projects, exams, and a comprehensive study guide.
Analyzing the chances of students getting admission into graduate program into the top 5 universities in the US.
Graduate student survival guide documenting the hidden curriculum tips to help you succeed in graduate school and beyond
Coursework in Computer Science Graduate Program at University of Massachusetts Boston
A repository of all my codes and simulations used to teach Intermediate Statistical Mechanics to masters students at the University of Burdwan
My work on assignment from the course SES 598: Python for Graduate Research offered at Arizona State University.
Supplemental Class Material for UC Davis MSBA Graduate Machine Learning Course
Website for Projectyl
Awesome Collaborated Project of Master's Program Analysis with Ranjith Kumar Govindarajan.
This portfolio contains my projects worked on throughout my time in graduate school at Hood College 2018-2020.
This repo contains information and C code for the lottery scheduling algorithm
Resources and tools to help you succeed in a PhD related to understanding human movement.
A mini blog post describing my Hertz Fellowship application process.
I am currently a graduate student at Temple University studying Computational Neuroscience.
Yet another awesome list, but with assumption of being clueless yet smart (actually a Pepega) and hard working (Kappa).
Summary of computer vision code being studied in graduate school
Store, search, and return protein sequences of interest.
SAS Drug Testing
study plan repository 📝📃💭