There are 0 repository under gltf-models topic.
Load GLTF models in Next.js with react-three-fiber. Made for an article:
Demo 3D models (mostly in X3D and VRML formats) of view3dscene and Castle Game Engine
GLTF Model Viewer
Three.js FBX & GLTF viewer with Draco and Meshopt compression support.
An interactive 3d model of Nissan Skyline R34. You can choose an animation from the dropdown menu (Like rotating wheels, opening door, etc.)
A portal scene built with React Three Fiber using GLTF models and GLSL shaders. A Leva GUI allows for customization of the portal speed and sparkles.
Decentraland Hackathon June 2019
Load, drag drop GLTF objects and save them to retrieve the scene later on.