There are 5 repositories under consumer topic.
Confluent's Apache Kafka Golang client
RabbitMQ Bundle for the Symfony web framework
Cluster extensions for Sarama, the Go client library for Apache Kafka 0.9 [DEPRECATED]
A community-developed, free, opensource, automated testing framework for microservices APIs, Kafka(Data Streams), Databases and Load testing. Zerocode Open Source enables you to create, change and maintain your automated test scenarios via simple JSON or YAML files. Visit documentation below:
Enables your consumer driven contracts workflow
Unofficial Python API client library for TD Ameritrade. This library allows for easy access of the Standard API and allows users to build data pipelines for the Streaming API.
KMinion is a feature-rich Prometheus exporter for Apache Kafka written in Go. It is lightweight and highly configurable so that it will meet your requirements.
The Apache Kafka C/C++ library
:tophat: Most advanced high level Node.js Kafka client
The Apache Kafka Client SDK
High performance Kafka consumer for InfluxDB. Supports collectd message formats.
Kafka consumer lag-checking application for monitoring, written in Scala and Akka HTTP; a wrap around the Kafka consumer group command. Integrations with Cloudwatch and Datadog. Authentication recently added
youtube download queue websocket server with login for private NAS.
Angular Context: Easy property binding for router outlet and nested component trees.
redisqueue provides a producer and consumer of a queue that uses Redis streams
Kafka Zookeeper RESTful API to perform topic/consumer group administration/metric(offset\lag\message) collection and monitor
Confluent's Apache Kafka JavaScript client
RedisQ - Java implementation of a reliable Pub/Sub message queue based on Redis
CodeIgniter 3 Daemon Queue Worker (Consumer) Management Controller
A symfony bundle for swarrot integration
A native Node.js producer and consumer library for Amazon Kinesis Data Streams
Awesome resources for Consumer-Driven Contract Testing
RabbitMQ Extension for Yii2
Worker pool implementation
Asynchronous message queue consumer and scheduler