There are 1 repository under postmessage topic.
📭 A powerful, simple, promise-based postMessage library.
:satellite: BroadcastChannel to send data between different browser-tabs or nodejs-processes :satellite: + LeaderElection over the channels
Easy communication between cross-origin browser tabs. Simplified "CORS"ing!
面向事务的高可用 Web Worker 通信框架
Write JS code that runs in a different context. E.g. use the DOM in a Web Worker.
📩 Use web Workers and other Windows through a simple Promise API
Create a type-safe RPC anywhere.
postmessage-promise is a client-server like, WebSocket like, full Promise syntax (postMessage.then etc.) supported postMessage library. 一个类 client-server 模式、类 WebSocket 模式、全 Promise 语法支持的 postMessage 库
Typesafe iframe bridge for easy parent child bidirectional communication
一个利用html5的跨域api postMessage解决多iframe跨域通信的框架
JS Channels (Events / Commands / Reqest-Response / Courier) Mechanism
:baby: ~1 Kb wrapper of window.postMessage for cross-document communication.
Minimal RxJS adapter for the window.postMessage API for request-response streams and notification streams across frame windows.
[DEPRECATED] Use ipfs-message-port-server/client instead:
An ever growing Set based utility to optimize JSON, IndexedDB, or postMessage.
This aims to be an simple window postMessage services provider.
TrainmanJS - Cross-Origin Communication Library
Communicate between iframes and application
A Cross-Domain Event Handler javascript library. Pure Vanilla JS, no dependencies.
This Burp extension helps you to find usages of postMessage and recvMessage
React Event Bus library for post messaging in JS/TS
📡 React hooks for pubkey/broadcast-channel
A set of utilities for embeddable widgets
A simple await-able replacement for postMessage in Figma plugins