There are 4 repositories under provider topic.
🦌 Flutter 练习项目(包括集成测试、可访问性测试)。内含完整UI设计图,更贴近真实项目的练习。Flutter practice project (including integration testing and accessibility testing). Contains complete UI design drawings for a more realistic practice project.
A reactive caching and data-binding framework. Riverpod makes working with asynchronous code a breeze.
OpenID Certified™ OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server implementation for Node.js
A boilerplate project created in flutter using MobX and Provider.
Angular testing library for mocking components, directives, pipes, services and facilitating TestBed setup
A flutter's implementation of a "clean architecture" comparing BLoC, Cubit, GetIt, MobX, Provider, and Riverpod. It includes tests to all libraries and additional features like Material 3 theming, Widget and Unit Tests, Infinite scrolling, Remote API calls, Caching and etc..
Enables your consumer driven contracts workflow
🔥🔥🔥 利用 Flutter 来高仿微信(WeChat) 7.0.0+ App,代码规范惊为天人、注释详解令人发指、细节处理精益求精、核心功能配备文档、接近98%还原度的原生App视觉体验。代码不多,注释多。(持续更新,敬请期待,欢迎Star和Fork…)
Personal collection of Flutter apps.
Flutter State Management: Movie App with Provider, Riverpod, flutter_bloc
Starter app for Flutter that includes many different production app features; some not typically included in demo apps.
A shopping App developed based on Flutter, covering common features of shopping apps.
A boilerplate project created in Flutter using Provider and Firebase.
HashiCorp Vault Provider for Secret Store CSI Driver
The easiest way to start using an asynchronous job queue with AdonisJS. Ready for Adonis v5 ⚡️
Build MVVM App for Android and IOS with Flutter
OpenSSL 3 provider containing post-quantum algorithms
Pet Shop is an e-commerce application for Android built with Flutter (iOS to come soon).
🚀 User management app built in flutter using clean architecture, MVVM, get it, dio, RxDart, bloc, cubit, getX and provider + Unit Testing
E-commerce monorepo application using NextJs, React, React-native, Design-System and Graphql with Typescript
IVOZ Provider - Multitenant solution for VoIP telephony providers
Flutter1.17.x book App,使用Mobx数据管理器支持Android和iOS,使用库json_serializable、json_annotation、dio。
This repository will be updated with all the examples and links that I can find with relevant knowledge & information about CP in MS Windows vista up to version 10.
A Universal Ethereum Provider Client
Components to provide and consume RTL or LTR direction in React
Clean Architecture with MVVM for Flutter using Get_It, State management, SQFlite, Dio, StorageHelper, ConnectionHelper, custom widgets and more
An open source flutter taxi - app for learning purpose(Provider & Bloc) using firebase as backend/server
Retrieve the android application and the current activity from anywhere
The complete Terraform tutorial, reference, awesome examples with no Public cloud provider
Flutter E commerce Fashion 🛍