There are 0 repository under eutrophication topic.
The rebirth of IMPACT World+ in a fully automated and transparent fashion.
This repository contains code and supplementary data used for generating the period of chlorophyll-a increase (PCI) dataset found in the Earth System Science Data journal article entitled "Rates and timing of chlorophyll-a increases and related environmental variables in global temperate and cold-temperate lakes"
A web application that visualizes global coastal eutrophication trends by country and region from 2005 until 2021
The influence of time scale on autocorrelation as an early warning indicator of regime shift
Data and code repository for Lavaca Bay nutrient loading project.
Become a manatee and learn about eutrophication in this VR game built with Unity!
A spatially explicit individual-based food web model for a large ecosystem
Repo for Gushulak et al. (2024):