There are 0 repository under calcium-imaging-analysis topic.
High level pandas-based API for batch analysis of Calcium Imaging data using CaImAn
Platform for Calcium Imaging analysis. DEPRECATED.
This repository contains code for morphology-free analysis of functional fluorescence microscopy. The focal algorithm, Graph-Filtered Time-trace (GraFT) Dictionary Learning, is published in Charles et al. 2022 in the IEEE Transactions of Image Processing.
Analysis code for the OpenScope Credit Assignment project.
Mesmerize plugin for the napari viewer
Fully automated calcium imaging analysis Workflow
Computational analysis of neuronal ensembles and travelling waves in neural activity from the cerebral cortex of the fat-tailed dunnart
This is MATLAB script created and used via the Trinkaus-Randall Lab at Boston University for the analysis of epithelial cellular calcium signaling during wound healing.
Analysis code for data presented in Mamiya et al. (2023) "Origins of proprioceptor feature selectivity and topographic maps in the Drosophila leg" Neuron
Supervisors: Dr. Patrick Piantadosi and Dr. Andrew Holmes
Spike2 script for handling calcium imaging data. The program cleans the data, visualizes it, and extracts features of the detected calcium signals. It creates two output files: a txt file holding the clean data values for all cells, and a csv file containing a summary of the results obtained.
[iScience] [Tensorflow] Subcellular Signal Segmenting Spatiotemporal Model.
CalciumImaging analysis matlab pipeline for suite2p outputs
Analysis code for data presented in Mamiya et al. (2023) "Origins of proprioceptor feature selectivity and topographic maps in the Drosophila leg" Neuron
Trabajo con trazos de calcio y estimulación pasiva. Primero alineas los tiempos de registro del microscopio y psychopy. Con esto alineas los eventos con los transitorios obtenidos en CaImAn o CNMF-E en matlab
Add manual Calcium scores measurements to REDCap