There are 0 repository under c-lang topic.
CG/SQL is a compiler that converts a SQL Stored Procedure like language into C for SQLite. SQLite has no stored procedures of its own. CG/CQL can also generate other useful artifacts for testing and schema maintenance.
These are small C language programs meant for learning and understanding the fundamentals of programming.
C Programming Course Lecture :see_no_evil::balloon:
Independent ReactOS Control Panel
Generate and output a set of points that are located on the surface of a gyroid, providing a discrete representation of this complex and intriguing minimal surface
ZennityLang is a C-based programming language focused on performance and low-level development
An simple higher level C programming language library, with coroutine, multi-threading, an auto memory safe design.
oh no
The C code highlighting engine for the web.
The C code highlighting engine for the web.
C programming example and slides
The C code highlighting engine for the web.
Example of how to write unit tests in C programming language
Solving Challenges in C Programming repository, featuring over 100+ curated resources to boost your skills. Crafted by Mahendra Mahara, explore challenges, PDFs, and mini projects. Contribute, connect, and stay updated to excel in C programming. Embark on a journey of learning and mastery.
👁️🎵️🎴️ The Anime Studio audio editor tool. Part of the Anime Studio software project.
⚡️📻️⚡️💾️ CranberryOS is an operating system for signal jammers. It requires special permissions to use legally.
🍭️👀️🍏️🏠️ iCandy is a derivative of Skeuowie/SDE that is designed for the WacOS project. It features full skeuomorphism in design, along with an interface similar to Apples ecosystem.
🍭️👀️🍏️🖥️ The desktop operating system variant of iCandy.
A "semi-mod" for all Portal games that gives you an advanced Portal (video game series) themed voice assistant, with privacy and safety in mind.
🇸-🇩-🇪📱️🌐️💾️ SDE MobileServer is an experimental project chain with the goal of running an entire server off of a portable device (phones, phablets, and tablets)
ZennityLang is a C-based programming language focused on performance and low-level development
Multi-channel signed distance field generator fork that offers a C API
🫐️🍓️🥾️ BerryBoot is a 3D, mass partition bootloader for the Raspberry Pi.
👓️🔵️🐧️ LennyOS support repository for the Linux kernel
🐧️🧰️🛠️ LinFsck is a training environment for running Linux commands, especially dangerous ones.
🧠️🐧️💾️ The operating system kernel source repository for the NUNIX operating system project.
🍏️🖥️💾️ The official source repository/separate repository for the archival and development of WacOS 14.x, an open source remake of MacOS Sonoma (14.x) Written in C, Assembly, Swift, and Objective-C. Part of the WacOS operating system project.
🍏️📱️💾️ The official source repository/separate repository for the archival and development of wOS 17, an open source remake of iOS 17. Written in C, and part of the WacOS operating system project.