There are 0 repository under fractol topic.
Fract'ol @ 42 - multi-threaded fractal renderer
One of the first graphical projects at 42 school, fract-ol introduces us to 2D programming with fractal generation.
School Project - Graphic - Fractals Explorer
The projects in this repository are carried out in the common core process of 42 schools.
42 | Graphic Branch | Fractal Drawer | C
we are going to use the school graphical library: the MiniLibX! This library was developed internally and includes basic necessary tools to open a window, create images and deal with keyboard and mouse events.
Coding fractals in C. A 42 school project.
this repo creating three fractals using minilibix (created by 42-Network) and it contains three fractals
Programming experience, Italy
Small fractal exploration program. The program has 8 different types of fractals, in which some vary with the mouse.
The objective of this project is to create two different fractals using the equations of the julia and mandelbrot set
This project is about creating graphically beautiful fractals.
Pretty fractals with MinilibX
42 School Fractol project: Fractal generator using MLX library.
Fract'ol is about creating graphically beautiful fractals with C. Fractals are complex geometric shapes that exhibit self-similar patterns at different scales. They are generated through mathematical equations and iterative processes.
fract-ol is the first graphic project of the 42 cursus (along with FdF or so_long), it's about creating graphically beautifull fractals. - C
Discover 2D programming and the psychedelic universe of fractals in this project, using minilibX.
One of the first graphical projects at 42 school, fract-ol introduces us to 2D programming with fractal generation.
Repo of all my 42 Common Core projects
This project is about creating graphically beautiful fractals.
Discover 2D programming and the psychedelic universe of fractals in this project, using minilibX.
first graphical projects at 42 school, fract-ol is a fractal images generation program.
Fractol (fractal) project from Ecole 42 (done in School 21, Moscow campus)
This project is meant to create graphically beautiful fractals.